Are you Confident to the Core? Rider confidence in the 21st century

Posted on April 10, 2017 by Categories: News

I always had a huge feeling of relief when I got off my horse and I mistook that for enjoyment!! Whilst I was actually on the horse, well, I was sometimes frozen like a statue wondering why I put myself through it! Using a combination of techniques, I was very, very surprised (and delighted) that I overcame my fears – to the extent that I couldn’t get them back! When I enrolled on an NLP training, it was such a massive surprise that I’d got rid of my fears, that I tested myself over and over and tried to get them back. But I couldn’t! (I really do not advise that you try to get fears back, it was something that I had to see if I could test before I made this my job!)

The only way to be entirely confident in anything at all, is to engage the unconscious (is subconscious) mind. That’s it! If you already do something like driving confidently, your unconscious mind is engaged and on board. The unconscious stores all our memories, habits and emotions, it’s exactly the part of the mind we need to work with. This is why using our logical mind and trying to talk ourselves confident does not work.

Sign up at:…/confident-to-the-core/

Designing this course has been a true labour of love and I’m so excited about it! I can’t wait to get going! I’ve gone back to the time when I was a static passenger hoping for a ride without incident and without feeling a complete idiot. I’ve researched what works and what works fast and efficiently. How to style a multi-pronged attack on the mind, to get those fears pummelled into the dust.

The training starts by opening up the mind to change, persuading the mind that there is another way to ride. Then wham! we get into changing the mind. Actually making new neural connections in the brain, so that we change the way we think and then the way we act. This course in rider confidence is not theory-based. It’s highly practical. Each week, I’ll be doing a LIVE webinar and take your through the techniques, as though you were a private client. You’ll have all the cheat sheets, info and instruction sheets, so that you can practise afterwards on your own. And you’ll have my full support throughout, via email, via Q&A in the live webinars and in a very special Facebook group, which is for Confident to the Core riders only. This is different from other rider groups, as we’ll support, celebrate, smile and laugh with each other: but only in ways that actually aid your unconscious journey to confidence. We’ll avoid chatting ways that unconsciously sabotage rider confidence, because we’ll learn how to ask for help without making the fears worsen, freeing ourselves from those shackles.

Sign up at…/confident-to-the-core/

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the course:

Module 1 Creating the mindset for change.
Module 2: How ideas form and therefore actions take place
Module 3: Mind techniques to change our thinking (use of visualisations and specific language sets)
Module 4: Multi-pronged attack: more change work to gain further rider confidence
Module 5: Use of hypnotic language (not hypnosis!): hypnotic patterns to calm you and your horse

The usual price, later this year will be £600. This spring, I’m offering the course for an introductory £147. So get yourself signed up, places are limited. And if you need more information, do contact me, I’m always happy to answer as many questions as you may have! .

Still unsure? Visit our recent webinar ‘5-Little-known secrets that can make or break your riding confidence’ for a flavour of aspects of the course

It’s going to be a great 2017 for riding – are you ready to get Confident to the Core?

Sign up at…/confident-to-the-core/