Continue your professional and personal evolution. Becoming a Master in any area means that you have an advanced skills set and have accomplished a higher level of training. My trainings continue to have an informal, fun touch, with plenty of light-bulb moments as you discover more about the unconscious mind and how to be truly excellent in any chosen field. Choose to complete your NLP Master Practitioner certification as a single qualification or as part of the multi-certification Master Coach courses.
NEW!! Training takes place 1:30-5:00pm on Wednesdays – UK time
Complete the NLP Master Practitioner training or the 4-certification course
4 certifications at Master level: NLP, NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy®️ and Modern Hypnosis
Take advantage of spreading the costs by paying in instalments (an ever-popular way to pay!)
Deliver your message consciously and unconsciously to make a strong argument for your ideas
Master the higher levels skills of changing strategies and beliefs to free yourself and others from unhelpful habits
Discover a new elegance of language, including the art of quantum linguistics; revisit Parts Integration using language alone and allow yourself to utilise the integration conversationally; recognise and use someone’s modal operator language to bring them to ’cause’ and even use temporal and spatial predicates to change a person’s thinking
Learn new Time Line Therapy®️ techniques to build a complete portfolio of change at the unconscious level
Elicit and utilise meta-programs, values and Values Levels, to understand the basis of personality and thought processes in yourself and others
Become masterful at Hypnosis, implying indirect and direct inductions and deep trance phenomena such as positive and negative hallucinations, amnesia, glove anaesthesia and catalepsy – including full body catalepsy – see photo! Know how to use Ericksonian, Elman, Estabrooks and Krasner hypnosis to expand your toolkit and further your skills in writing successful personalised hypnosis
Be adept at modelling excellence – test your abilities during the board break session. If you’d like to see how it’s done, watch the video as I smash though any and all limiting beliefs!
Learn how to lead a Breakthrough session, working with a client for 1-2days to remove whatever holds them back and instal powerful new strategies – and learn how adding this to your business portfolio can expand your earnings!
Finally, remove all that holds you back, professionally and personally, to step into your own light and shine